In "All-Star Superman", we see the last son of Krypton face his death while trying to complete a veritable bucket list of task before the big sleep. Having seen rave reviews in the days before it's release, I must admit my expectations where quite high. Sad to say, maybe too high.
DC's been on a hot streak as of late when it comes to their animated features, and this one doesn't let down in that aspect. The animations top notch, with incredible voice acting from a well chosen cast. Choosing to make the animation in the Grant Morrison style seen in the actual comic was an excellent idea. Written by the incredible Dwayne McDuffie, the storyline stays faith full to the comic while trying to tell the most important moments of a twelve issue mini-series.
But that in itself is the problem I had with the movie. It moves along way too fast to develop a heartfelt response considering the situation. When he's told of his affliction, there's barely even any emotion! He just goes about making plans for the eventual outcome, without even trying to consider a cure. He meets his mother at the grave site of Pa Kent and doesn't even seem that touched by the moment. WTF!? It just seemed so...unrealistic.
I would've liked to seen the emotion he showed in the Justice League episode, "For The Man Who Has Everything". Now THAT'S a tearjerker!! If this movie would've made use of those emotions, it would appeal to everyone! As it stands, I see it appealing to fans of Superman and the genre, but not crossing over.
All in all, it's a great film and a great experience to be had. Well worth adding to the collection, even if only for nostalgia.
Message to Marvel; DC is putting you on notice as if addressing you like Sweet Daddy Williams pimping a trick saying, "J.J. my man...you in troubllleee....." Let's get it together and put together some worthwhile storyline adaptations from the comics. More than a few come to mind, and it seems to be the only chance you have of combating DC's pummeling of your ass in this medium...e.b.Madman
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